Luxexcel 3D Printed Ophthalmic Lenses Now ISO Compliant

 Luxexcel 3D Printed Ophthalmic Lenses Now ISO Compliant

Luxexcel — an optics company that has developed a unique technology to 3D print ophthalmic lenses — recently reported its lenses are now compliant with ISO 8980-1:2004 Focal Power.

Luxexcel's lenses are reportedly printed with a dedicated 3D printer in an ophthalmic processing laboratory environment. Through its industrial 3D printing platform, the company is reportedly able to 3D print specialty lenses including monofocals, bifocals, trifocals, with cylinders and prisms. According to Luxexcel, the lenses produced are compatible with industry coatings and customary processes, such as edging and framing.

Click here to read the full press release.

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Source: Luxexcel

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