Prevent Blindness Accepting Bonnie Strickland Champion for Children’s Vision Award Nominees

 Prevent Blindness Accepting Bonnie Strickland Champion for Children’s Vision Award Nominees

The National Center for Children’s Vision and Eye Health at Prevent Blindness (NCCVEH) is now accepting nominees for its second annual Bonnie Strickland Champion for Children’s Vision Award.

The award recognizes significant efforts by an individual or group of individuals — including parent advocates, legislators, community leaders, and professionals — to improve public health approaches for children’s vision and eye health at the state or national level. 

The award was established to commemorate Bonnie Strickland, who served as Director of the Division of Services for Children with Special Health Needs, Maternal and Child Health Bureau until her retirement in 2014, and her groundbreaking work to establish a comprehensive system for children’s vision in the United States.

The deadline for submission is June 17, 2016, and the winning award will be presented at the NCCVEH annual meeting, Aug. 6, 2016, in Alexandria, Va.  Click here to apply

Click here to read the full press release

Source: Prevent Blindness

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