Americans Prefer Perfect Vision Over Other Benefits According to New Survey

 Americans Prefer Perfect Vision Over Other Benefits

In a new report released by, Americans have reported that they would be willing to give up a lot for perfect vision. When asked if they’d rather have perfect skin, hair, homes, or vision, the majority chose perfect vision every single time. The report, based on a new survey of more than 1,000 Americans with bad or corrected vision, examines the everyday struggles people with poor eyesight face.

According to the survey, on average, most Americans started noticing they had trouble seeing when they were around 15 years old, and for most, their vision only gets worse with age. More than four out of five (84%) admit they’re frustrated by their bad vision. 

“With increasing screentime, the rates of nearsightedness or myopia in children has skyrocketed. We are seeing more kids with worse vision at a younger age,” said NVision Centers’ Dr. Dagny Zhu, MD.   

The report found that poor eyesight has negatively impacted everything from social life (33%) to work (33%) and even driving (38%). More than half (51%) said their bad vision has kept them from enjoying an experience like a concert, trip, or dinner. Nearly two out of five (38%) say their poor eyesight has also caused issues while working out or playing sports. 

Regarding cost, one out of four (25%) feels their bad vision has been a financial burden. It makes sense, seeing as how most people are spending an average of $500 a year on eye exams, glasses and/or contacts, and eye products. 

When given an option of choosing an elective procedure, many expressed the desire to improve their vision. Nearly half (48%) would undergo LASIK before getting surgeries or procedures like laser hair removal or botox. Only one in 10 (11%) opted for tattoos, and 9% said they’d rather have weight loss surgery. 

Read the full report from

Source: MyVision

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