SSF Calls Upon ECPs to Help Educate Public During Sjögren’s Awareness Month

 SSF Calls Upon ECPs to Help Educate Public During Sjögren’s Awareness Month

April 2017 marks the 19th annual Sjögren’s Awareness Month, and the Sjögren’s Syndrome Foundation (SSF) is asking eye care professionals to help educate patients and their families about the autoimmune disorder, which reportedly affects more than 4 million Americans with an estimated 2.5 million patients currently undiagnosed.

Each day in April, the SSF will reportedly use one or more of its social media channels to educate consumers, health care professionals and others by providing facts about the disease, offering resources, and sharing stories of those with Sjögren's.

As dry eye is a common early symptom of Sjögren's, the SSF is asking eye care professionals to help them spread the word by following them on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, and commenting or sharing posts and using the #ThisisSjogrens hashtag.

Additionally, SSF offers a number of resources for health care professionals to help ensure quality and consistency of care for the assessment and management of patients with Sjögren’s. In 2016, SFF — with reportedly the assistance of hundreds of eye care professionals — developed and published the first U.S Clinical Guidelines for Ocular Management in Sjögren’s Patients, which helps to standardize patient care by giving eye care professionals a roadmap of how to treat and manage Sjögren's patients. 

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Click here to read the full press release

Source: Sjögren’s Syndrome Foundation

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